Conference Alerts

Event Information:

  • Thu

    FOUND IN TRANSLATION: Translation as Cultural Dissemination from the Middle Ages to the New Millennium

    Bergamo, Italy

    Abstracts of ca. 300 words (excluding references) are cordially invited for 20-minute presentations followed by discussion. While contributions may be in English or in Italian / French / German / Russian / Spanish, any accompanying material (abstract, handout, Powerpoint presentation) must be in English.

    Suggested topics include:
    - Translation, culture and cognition;
    - History of translation and translation studies;
    - Lexicography and the tools of translation through time;
    - The translation of medieval texts: theoretical and methodological specificities;
    - Teaching (in) translation;
    - Comparative, transnational, and interdisciplinary approaches to the dissemination of knowledge in Europe
    and the Americas;
    - The relapses of the “two-culture-debate” on recent hermeneutic and translation theories;
    - Dispossession, vulnerability and resistance in translation studies, cultural exchange and cultural transfer;
    - The poetics of translation.