
II Simposio Internacional en Traducción e Interpretación especializadas

Tras el gran éxito obtenido en la primera edición, el Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad Maria Curie-Sklodowska (Polonia) tiene el placer de invitar a todos los especialistas en Traducción y/o Interpretación especializada(s) al II Simposio Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación especializadas, que se celebrará en línea entre el 22 y el 23 de mayo de 2024. Las conferencias plenarias correrán a cargo de reputadas investigadoras en la materia: Prof.? Marí­a Gabriela Piemonti de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) y Prof.? Agata Komorowska de la Universidad Jaguelónica de Cracovia (Polonia).,22847.htm

Translating Europe Workshop: Points of View on Translation 2024

We are happy to inform you that on 15th April 2024 the Chair for Translation Studies, Jagiellonian University, in cooperation with the Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission, is organising a Translating Europe Workshop: Points of View on Translation 2024, in hybrid mode.

The main theme of the conference is Points of View on Translation Services: Potential and Challenges of Modern Technologies.

5th International Communication Styles Conference

The International Communication Styles conference is the fifth in the series of biannual conferences which were initiated in 2013 and took place four times in Krosno, Poland (see the first conference opening speech by Geert Hofstede). This time, after a pandemic break, we would like to invite international scholars to the city of Krakow, Poland.

We welcome papers related to all aspects of communication styles, broadly understood as clusters of features of verbal and nonverbal language that run the spectrum of discourses, genres and media and mark social and cultural differences. The 5th ICS Conference brings into focus the theme of communication in times of permacrisis, recently named the Collins Word of the Year 2022 and understood as “an extended period of instability and insecurity”. It aims to examine the diverse effects of social, political, economic, and cultural conflicts in public and private communication across cultures and genres.

For details see the conference website

III Wrocławskie Spotkania Terminologiczne TERMOS 2023

Instytut Filologii Romańskiej i Katedra Filologii Niderlandzkiej im. Erazma z Rotterdamu zapraszają na międzynarodową konferencję naukową

W czasie konferencji WYKŁADY PLENARNE wygłoszą:
• prof. Valérie Delavigne (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, FRANCJA)
• dr hab. Tomasz Piekot (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, POLSKA)
• prof. dr. Rita Temmerman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BELGIA)
• prof. dr hab. Magdalena Zawisławska (Uniwersytet Warszawski, POLSKA)

JĘZYKI KONFERENCJI: angielski, francuski, niderlandzki, polski. Strona konferencji: TERMOS 2023 

3rd CTER Congress (CTER 2022)

The 3rd CTER Congress will be held in Kraków, Poland on 17th-18th March, 2022. More information will be provided in the First Circular (due out soon).  To catch up with the latest CTER 2022 news, please visit the conference site.


Centrum Badań Przekładoznawczych przy Wydziale Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,, Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk oraz Fundacja „Centrum Międzynarodowych Badań Polonistycznych” zapraszają do udziału w pierwszym Kongresie Polskiego Przekładoznawstwa.

W ramach kongresu odbędą się „wykłady, sesje referatów i dyskusje plenarne poświęcone istotnym problemom polskiego przekładoznawstwa, w tym rozwojowi kadr i kształceniu doktorantów”.

Więcej szczegółów…


The Teaching Translation and Interpreting (TTI 6) conference will be held at the University of Łódź on 13th-14th September 2019.

The topics of the conference include:

  • translator training
  • translation curricula
  • teaching, learning and training interpreting
  • teaching, learning and training audiovisual translation
  • translator training in the academia
  • translation competence
  • translator expertise
  • competencies of professional translator trainers
  • translation as a profession
  • the use of computer in translation education
  • interdisciplinary approaches to translation education

For details, please consult the conference website.


2nd CTER Congress

 The 2nd CTER Congress (CTER 2019), organised with the endorsement of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST), will focus on a broad spectrum of issues pertaining to translation pedagogy, including those which relate to the epistemological bases of translator education, teaching content, methods, tools and field-related research. The lead theme of the conference is Complexity and Dispersion in Translation Pedagogy. We kindly invite you to familiarize yourselves with the details of the conference.