Las contribuciones presentadas versarán sobre cualquiera de los siguientes apartados: Traducción especializada; Terminología, Lexicología y Lexicografía; Lenguas de especialidad; Teoría e Historia de la Traducción; Didáctica de la Traducción; Diccionarios, Tesauros y Glosarios; Herramientas auxiliares para la Traducción; Interpretación en todas sus modalidades.
Symposium „Comics in the Globalized World”, subtitled „Circulation, Translation, Transmediality”
Since its origins as comic strips in the American press at the tail end of the 19th century, comics have been a global cultural phenomenon, meaning that its artistic and industrial production is deeply informed by its circulation from country to country, continent to continent (Gociol & Gutiérrez, 2012) and, also, from one medium to another. This is more true today than ever, as evidenced in bookstores around the world: Spanish superheroes, Latin American graphic novels created to be sold in the French market, mangaesque stories of homosexual love adapted to German tastes.
Proposals for the International Symposium should include a title and abstract (max. 300 words plus bibliography) and a short author biography (max. 100 words). until May 15th. Contributions can be submitted in Spanish or English and should be sent to As the selected contributions will be compiled into a collective volume to be published this year, accepted presentations should send the full paper by July 17th.
APTIS 2021
SALIS at Dublin City University is proud to host the 3rd Conference of the Association of Programmes in Translation and Interpreting Studies, UK and Ireland (APTIS) on 18th-19th November 2021. The conference, which focuses on 'Evolving Profiles: The Future of Translation and Interpreting Training’ will look to the future and ask scholars, practitioners, and other stakeholders on these islands to come together to discuss evolving profiles of translation and interpreting training. The event will be fully online. Read more at:
Computer-Assisted Literary Translation Conference (CALT 2021)
For details, see the conference site at: CALT2021@Swansea (
The Sixth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature (online)
The Sixth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature (virtually) is organized by different universities and research centers and will be conducted virtually.
The conference will be dedicated to current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation.
Academics and university lecturers are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation in English, Arabic or Persian.
The full papers of the conference will be published as the book of conference (provided with International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and according to the Governmental Approval (The Ministry)), and also will be indexed in CIVILICA (however, the book of abstracts will be published too).
For more details, see the conference website.
The 3rd International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Congition (ICTIC 3) will be on 2-5 November, 2021 at the Forlì Campus of the Università di Bologna, Italy. The event, organised by the Laboratory for Multilectal Mediated Communication & Cognition (MC2 Lab) of the Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione of the Università di Bologna and endorsed by the TREC network, is being planned in a face-to-face mode exclusively. Should the COVID pandemic preclude the on-site mode, the conference will be held online. For further details, please consult the conference site.
CIUTI – Translation and Interpreting Conference
Join us once again during the annual CIUTI Conference. During this conference, CIUTI (Conférence Internationale des Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et d’Interprètes) brings together the world’s most prestigious translation and interpreting programs. Visit the conference website for more details.
This seminar focuses on training translator trainers and is aimed at Master’s and PhD students, new teachers of translation, and professional translators who are interested in teaching. More info:
The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers in all fields pertaining to translator and interpreter training. More info:
WITTA 2018, The Second WITTA Congress
We are happy to announce that the Second WITTA (World Interpreter and Translator Training Association) Congress cum International Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Education, to be hosted by University of Westminster, will take place in London, Britain, on October 13-14, 2018.