

CTER does not provide accommodation, so you will be looking for a hotel.

Recommended accommodation (prices are provisional only):

In the city centre

  • Maltański, ul. Straszewskiego: 350-370 PLN (85-90 euros) per night (single)
  • Radisson Blu, ul. Straszewskiego: 432 PLN  (104 euros) per night (single)
  • Accession B&B, ul. Garncarska: from 85 PLN (21 euros) per night (single)
  • Maksymilian, ul. Karmelicka: 144 PLN (35 euros) per night (single)
  • Campanile, ul. Św. Tomasz: 215-239 PLN (52-58 euros) per night (single)

Away from the city centre

  • B&B Kolory, Kazimierz: 179-259 PLN (43-63 euros) per night (single)