The Consortium for Translation Education Research (CTER) is preparing a multilingual dictionary of Translation Studies. As part of the project, on 21st October 2016 the Chair for Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland hosted a terminology symposium which was aimed at initiating the joint venture of CTER members. The event gathered renowned Polish researchers in Translation Studies, including honorary member of the Board of Consultants for the Dictionary – Prof. Dąmbska-Prokop and Professors: B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (University of Łódź ), T. Tomaszkiewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań ), Prof. M. Tryuk (University of Warsaw), £. Bogucki (University of Łódź), £. Biel (University of Warsaw), J. Dybiec-Gajer (Pedagogical University of Cracow), K. Klimkowski (Catholic University of Lublin), Ł. J. Berezowski (University of Łódź), A. Chmiel (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) and A. Gomola (Jagiellonian University), who served as secretary of the Symposium. The meeting was hosted and coordinated by CTER President Prof. M. Piotrowska (Jagiellonian University).{:}