To commemorate St Jerome – the patron saint of translators, whose death anniversary falls on 30th September, the Consortium for Translation Education Research (CTER) kindly invites you to participate in an online roundtable discussion on translator and translator educator profiles. The meeting will be a chance to:
- communicate against spatial distancing created and deepened by Covid-19
- share ideas and experiences related to translator education
- discuss merits and problems created by e-learning
- integrate academics interested in translation pedagogy
- celebrate the Translator’s Day*
*the Polish version (Dzień tłumacza)
- Event: Space is no distance
- Time: 5.00 – 6.30 p.m. (CET), September 30th, 2021
- Place: MS Teams (a hyperlink will be sent out to those who register for the event)
- Prerequisites: motivation, perhaps a self-served cup of coffee/tea
- Registration is no longer possible
- The meeting link has been posted to registered participants via MS Teams
- A short introduction to CTER goals and activities;
- A new CTER initiative; ITT special issue – a call for papers;
- CTER 2022 warm-up
- “Translators-in-the-making”: Challenges of e-learning – learning via platforms – sharing good practices in the area of translation and interpreting education, teaching/learning suggestions and tools recommendations; sharing insight, retrospective and current reflection;
- Connecting and socialising – translation teachers celebrate the day.